DIY sew a scrunchie

- Categories : , Accessories , Baby / Child , Cocooning

Wear your own "handmade" scrunchies. It is a practical accessories that's very in fashion at the moment ;-) Next to that, it is a nice way to use your scraps of fabric. Here is the tutorial ...

tuto couture coudre un chouchou

Material : 

  • 2 fabric cloths of your choice - 70x15cm 
  • 1 elastic of 15cm

Step 1 : Assemble the scrunchie

Cut out your 2 pieces and arrange them right sides together.

découpez vos pièces et superposez

découpez vos pièces et superposez

Sew a seam on only one of the long sides.

coudre un long côté

Open it then fold the length in 2.

ouvrez et pliez en 2

Mark at 4cm then at 3cm on one of the edges and sew. This opening will allow you to turn the scrunchie at the end.

marquez les plis

arrange the piece as on the picture with the perpendicular seam at the bottom.

coudre la pièce

Pinch the top 2 fabrics to catch the bottom 2 so that you can position them on top of each other.

pincer les tissus

pincez et superposez

Pin to hold everything in place and sew around the edge  (it sounds complicated but you'll understand when you're busy sewing). It is necessary to take the fabric little by little in order to make the circumference.

coudre le pourtour

Then turn the scrunchie over and iron it.

retourner le chouchou

repasser le chouchou

Step 2 : The elastic

Before inserting the elastic, make 2 seams at 3cm along the entire length of the scrunchie. This will serve as a guide for the elastic.

coudre les longueur

All you have to do is insert the elastic and tie a good knot ...

rentrer l'élastique

faire un bon noeud et refermer

Close the seam and your scrunchie is ready!

votre chouchou est prêt